Personal Dashboard

Personal Dashboard


I designed a personal dashboard featuring various data visualizations relevant to my life, along with fun, insightful information I might want to access on a daily basis. The dashboard also includes interactive components to enhance the user experience.

Year: 2024

Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Project Type: User Interface, Protoyping, User Experience



I started by creating a mood board to establish the overall vibe I wanted to achieve. Using the mood board as a guide, I developed a style board, compiling visuals and components that aligned with the aesthetic and direction of my design.


Below are both my high-fidelity and low-fidelity wireframes, which I used as the foundation for my overall design. I made several adjustments until I settled on a layout that felt right. From there, I created components and experimented with different ideas to refine the design further.


This was an incredibly fun experience for me. I had the opportunity to work on something that felt very personal, and it taught me a great deal about using a grid to ensure everything is cohesive within the design. I also learned a lot about making components interactive for the user. This project significantly improved my ability to create something stylized in a fun, engaging way. Overall, I’m really proud of the result and can confidently say I came out of it not only happy but also with valuable new skills.


Interested in reaching out to me? Feel free to reach me through my email here!


Interested in reaching out to me? Feel free to reach me through my email here!


Interested in reaching out to me? Feel free to reach me through my email here!